1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
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This Indenture made on the thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four between William J. Thomas and wife Emaline Thomas of the County of Moore and state of North Carolina on the one part and Archd. M. Yarbrough of the county of Chatham and state aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth that the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline Thomas formerly Emaline Yarbrough for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollar to them in hand paid by the said Archd. M. Yarbrough at the time of executing these presents the receipt and payment is hereby fully acknowledged and the said William J. [Thomas an wife Emaline …fold…] therewith satisfied Hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell ailien and confirm unto the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situate in the county of Chatham and state above mentioned lying on the waters of Bush Creek adjoining the land of Rosser and and [sic] the said Archd. M. Yarbrough and bounded as follows– (Viz) Beginning at the channel of said creek at the lower corner of Lot no. 3 thence running north thirty two chains to a stake and pointers in Rossers line thence with his east eight chains to a stake and pointers in said line thence south thirty chains to the channel of said creek thence with the muranders of said creek to the beginning Containing twenty four acres to have and to hold the said land and premises
Page 2: [marked out and page torn]
And all and singular the tennements hereditaments woods ways waters mines minerals improvements rents […] proffits remainders revisions privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns to his and their […] proper use and behoof in fee simple for ever and the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline and their heirs all and singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns shall will warrant and forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever–
In testimony whereof the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline doth hereunto set their hands and seals the date first above written
Signed, sealed and delievered
In presence of
Wllliam J. Thomas [seal]
Emaline Thomas [seal]
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State of North Carolina
Chatham County
Court of please [sic] and quarter sessions Nov term 1854
I, WG Harris, one of the members of said county being appointed by the court for that purpose this day proceeded to take the private examination of Emaline Thomas wife of William J. Thomas, Touching her voluntary assent to the forgoing Deed of conveyance separate and apart from her said husband whereupon she the said Emaline Thomas declares that she voluntarily assents to the said conveyance and that she executed the same freely and of her own accord without fear or compulsion of the said William J. Thomas her husband–
Certified by me this 14th Day of November 1854
WG Harris — J.P. member of the county court
Nov term 1854
The execution of this deed was duly acknowledged in open court and ordered to be registered together with the certificates therein
Chatham County WJ Taylor CCC
Registers Office Dec 19 1854
This deed was then registered Book AJ Page 321
A Gunter, Regr
The Big Payoff, digitized recording, 1954
The raw converted sound recording of Jack and Merry Pittman on The Big Payoff in 1954 (provided by their son, James M. Pittman):
1843 Deed: Luther Thomas to John Womack
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Be it known by these presents unto all persons whom it now or ever hereafter concern that I Luther Thomas of the County of Chatham and State of N Carolina hath for the sum of one hundred and thirty five dollars paid to me by John Womack of the County and State as above sold unto him a certain parcel of land in the above named county of Chatham on the waters of Bush Creek Beginning at a sweetgum on the Bank of the creek corner of Lot No 4 and running South crossing the creek 236 poles to a Red oak in the county line thence with said line No 85° East 109 poles to a post oak in a drain Yarbroughs corner thence north with his line 132 to a pine stump his other corner thence West his other line 41 poles to a stake thence south his other line 96 poles to the creek thence down the creek as it meanders about 16 poles to the mouth of a gulley or wash thence up the gulley to the creek thence up the creek as it meanders to the first station containing 137 Acres
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now I Luther Thomas do for myself and my heirs executors administrators or assigns warrant and will forever defend the above bounded land unto the said John Womack and his heirs against the just claim or claims of any person or persons whatever in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this the 3 day of January 1843
{this copy is not signed}