Box 1: Smith and Ratcliffe Documents
- Folder 1: Letters from Kenneth J. Smith, Jr.
- Folder 2: Letters to Dorothy R. Smith
- Folder 3: Letters from Dorothy R. Smith
- Folder 4: Reverend William Sihon Smith, 1760-1832 by John Wesley Thomas, descendant
- Folder 5: Kenneth J. Smith, Jr., Theories of Chain Coiling, Elasticity, and Viscoelasticity (1972)
- Folder 6: Joan D’Arc (pen name) Hunter Gatheress Journal Vol. 2, Paranoia (Issue 51, Fall 2009)
- Folder 7: Conn family letters, found in attic at Stafford Ave.
Case 1: Ratcliffe Photographs from Vera R. Harrison
- Box 1: 1. Mary Catherine “Molly” Moose Ambrotype circa 1867, 2. Ann Charnock portrait, 3. Ann Charnock and daughter (Edith) tin type
- Box 2: 1. Alice Ratcliffe and Sarah Jane Birch, 2. Alice Ratcliffe, 3. Various reprints and letters from Vera
- Sleeve 1: 1. Mary Ratcliffe, 2.Mary Ratcliffe, 3. Eliza “Lizza” Ann Ratcliffe Appleby
- Sleeve 2: James Charnock Death Certificate – Chorley
- John Greenleaf Whittier brochures (2)
- Letters from Vera Harrison
Case 2: Ratcliffe Photographs from Vera R. Harrison
Box 1: Kenneth Judson Smith, Sr. Used Stamp Collection (#-L)
- 6th international philatelic exhibition 1966
- 50th anniversary US air mail service 1962-69
- 700th anniversary Dante 1965
- 100th anniversary of mail order 1972
- alamo 1954-68
- john adams 1938
- john quincy adams 1938
- alliance for progress 1963
- amateur radio 1964
- american automobile association 1952
- american music 1964
- antarctic treaty 1971
- susan b anthony 1954-68
- arkansas river navigation 1968
- atomic energy act brien mcmahon 1962
- audubon american artist 1963
- battle of new orleans 1965
- biglin brothers racing 1967
- daniel boone 1968
- boys’ clubs of america movement 1960
- bill of rights 1966
- james buchanan 1938
- carolina charter 1963
- mary cassatt american artist 1966
- centennial of the sokols 1965
- churchill 1965
- circus clown 1966
- city mail delivery 1963
- colordao statehood 1951
- john copley american artist 1965
- colonial american craftsmen 1972
- communications for peace 1960
- cordell hull 1963
- davy crockett 1967
- crusade against cancer 1965
- canada centenary 1967
- christmas 1956 1956
- christmas 1962 1962
- christmas 1963 1963
- christmas 1963 (2) 1963
- christmas altarpiece
- christmas angel 1965
- christmas branch 1964
- christmas doll carriage 1970
- christmas greetings 1958
- christmas holly 1964
- christmas horse 1970
- christmas memling national gallery of art (small) 1966
- christmas memling national gallery of art 1967
- christmas mistletoe 1964
- christmas poinsettia 1964
- christmas winter sunday 1969
- christmas gabriel van eyck national gallery of art 1968
- civil war centennial appomattox 1965 1961
- civil war centennial gettysburg 1963 1961
- civil war centennial shiloh 1962 1961
- civil war centennial wilderness 1964 1961
- dag hammarskjold secretary of the united nations 1962
- walt disney 1968
- doctors mayo 1964
- frederick douglass 1965-79
- edgar lee masters american poet 1970
- einstein 1965-79
- eisenhower 1970-74
- emancipation proclamation 1963
- leif erikson 1968
- erie canal 1967
- finland independence 1967
- first man on the moon 1962-69
- flag and white house 1962-63
- flag and white house 1962-63
- flag and white house 1962-63
- flag and white house 1968-71
- flag series bennington 1968
- flag series bunker hill 1968
- flag series first navy jack 1968
- flag series first stars and stripes 1968
- flag series fort moutlrie 1968
- flag series grand union 1968
- flag series philadelphia light horse 1968
- flag series washington’s cruisers 1968
- florida settlement
- food for peace 1963
- henry ford 1965-79
- fort duquesne 1958
- benjamin franklin (bust) 1938
- benjamin franklin (portrait) 1954-68
- benjamin franklin profile
- XIth Interational Botanical Congress – Franklinia alatamaha (Franklinia) 1969
- robert fulton 1965
- general federation of women’s clubs 1966
- walter f george 1960
- girl scouts usa 1962
- robert h goddard 1962-69
- great northwest fort snelling 1970
- great river road 1966
- gutenberg 500th 1952
- benjamin harrison 1954-68
- hemisfair 1968
- patrick henry 1954-68
- the hermitage 1954-80
- higher education 1962
- historic preservation, including decatur house, san xavier del bac mission 1971
- winslow homer 1962
- homestead act 1962
- herbert hoover 1965
- charles evans hughes 1962
- humane treatment of animals 1966
- illinois 1968
- independence hall 1954-68
- indiana sesquicentennial 1966
- international red cross 1963
- andrew jackson 1962-63
- john jay 1954-68
- thomas jefferson 1965-81
- thomas jefferson (portrait) 1954-68
- thomas jefferson 1938
- johnny appleseed 1966
- john f kennedy 1963 1964
- law and order 1968
- robert e lee 1954-68
- liberty 1954-68
- liberty 1954-68
- lincoln (green) 1958
- lincoln (black and white) 1965-81
- lincoln (pink) 1954-68
- lincoln (pink) 1954-68
- louisiana 1962
Box 2: Kenneth Judson Smith, Sr. Used Stamp Collection (M-Z, foreign, printed)
- douglas macarthur 1971
- mackinac bridge 1958
- magna carta 1215 1965
- marquette explorer 1968
- george c marshall 1965-79
- john marshall 1954-78
- andrew w mellon 1955
- migratory bird treaty 1966
- mississippi 1967
- james monroe 1954-68
- monticello 1954-68
- john muir 1964
- nasa astronaut 1967
- nasa capsule 1967
- national apprenticeship program 1962
- national grange 1967
- national park service 1966
- nations united for victory 1941-43
- nato 1959
- nebraska statehood 1967
- nevada settlement 1951
- nevada statehood 1964
- new jersey tercentenary 1964
- new york world’s fair 1964
- olympic winter games sapporo 1972
- overland mail 1958
- thomas paine 1965-79
- pan american games chicago air mail 1959
- francis parkman american historian 1965-81
- general john j pershing 1954-68
- plan for better cities 1967
- plant for a more beautiful america 1966
- poland’s millennium 1966
- professional baseball 1969
- project mercury 1962
- sam rayburn 1962
- register vote 1964
- register and vote 1968
- paul revere 1954-80
- eleanor roosevelt 1963
- theodore roosevelt 1954-68
- franklin d roosevelt 1965-81
- cm russell american artisti 1964
- salvation army 1965
- sam houston 1964
- sciences 1963
- search for peace lions international 1967
- seato 1960
- seattle world’s fair 1962
- shakespeare 1964
- special delivery
- special delivery
- stevenson 1965
- stop traffic accidents 1965
- sun yat-sen 1961
- support our youth 1968
- taft 1960
- thoreau 1967
- to the fine arts 1964
- un international cooperation year 1965
- ua air mail amelia earhart 1962-69
- us air mail (blue plane) 1952-58
- us air mail (red b52)
- us air mail (red plane and capitol) 1962-69
- us air mail (red stars) 1962-69
- us air mail robert h goddard 1964
- us army and navy for defense 1940
- us homemakers 1964
- us marine corps reserve 1966
- verrazano-narrows bridge 1964
- voice of america 1967
- washington (black and white) 1962-63
- washington (blue) 1965-81
- washington (green bust) 1938
- washington (green portrait) 1954-68
- martha washington 1938
- water conservation 1960
- we appreciate our servicemen 1966
- noah webster 1958
- west virginia 1963
- wildlife conservation 1957
- wildlife conservation buffalo 1970
- woodrow wilson 1954-68
- win the war 1941-43
- world united against malaria 1962
- frank lloyd wright 1965-79
- belgique
- brasl bonifacio
- brasil correio padre pento
- canada
- canada
- canada (blue)
- canada dogwood cornouiller du pacifique
- canada quebec conference 1964
- christmas canada noel 1964
- christmas canada noel
- eire
- eire an chrois dhfarg 1963
- eire cathar ocras
- eire small
- eire irish pavilion new york world’s fair
- espana
- ghana
- helvetia
- hong kong
- india various
- india
- israel
- monarch
- monarch
- monarch
- monarch
- nederland (blue) 1963
- nederland (green)
- nederland
- nederland
- thailand various
- toronto
- world (green)
- printed envelope postage (various)
Other links & External Holdings:
Created 7 August 2015 by Joy Jones
Updated 10 April 2016 by Joy Jones
Updated 19 May 2017 by Joy Jones