New plan

After taking a website break for a few months, I’ve decided to abandon the book blog. If I had more time at home, I would definitely keep it up and post family scans more regularly, but I just don’t have the time! So, something had to go, and that was my least visited and least important blog.

For now, I’m going to have to abandon my scheduled posts (every Monday) and instead just post when I’ve scanned something. That may mean that I don’t post for a really long time, but I do scan things from time to time. (I have a second post for today that includes over 20 pictures I scanned on Father’s Day).

Apologies to anyone who checks regularly for updates, but since I haven’t posted in a few months, you probably stopped checking anyway. 😉

As always, I will take requests for scanned items based on what you see in the finding aids.