From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
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Outer envelope – Deed from JH Farrar + Wife to GW Avent Stamp fee paid to Regr
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North Carolina
Chatham County
Know all men by these presents that J.H. Farrar + wife Elizabeth for + in consideration of the sale, conveyance + exchange to + with the said J.H. Farrar for the use of his said wife, a certain tract or parcel of land known as part of No 3 in the division of lands belonging to Joseph Avent, dec’d among his heirs at-law, as will more fully appear by reference said division made January 9th 1863 and duly recorded, have given granted bargained and sold + by these presents do give grant bargain + sell + exchange to + with the said G.W. Avent a certain tract or parcel of land in Chatham County on the south side of Cape Fear River and bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at a stake Wickers corner in J.W. McKays line + running east with said line 68 poles to a stake, thence south 196 poles to a blackjack in Thomas line thence with said line west 24 poles to a stake, thence north with his other line 70 poles to a small blackjack- thence west his other line 50 poles to a pine at Wickers corner thence south with his line 122 poles to the first station containing 61 acres more or less.
Also all the rights, titles interest + claims in land and equity in revision in to the land included in the dower land allotted to Judith Avent the widow of said Joseph Avent as will more fully appear by reference to said allottment made and […] at February Sessions 1863
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of the County Court of Chatham.
To Have and To Hold said lands and reversionary interests with all the appurtenances + privileges thereunto appertaining unto him the said George W Avent his heirs and assigns forever.
And the title of said lands + reversionary interests unto him the said George W Avent his heirs and assigns we will by these presents forever warrant + defend against the claim or claims of any and all persons claiming by through or under us or either of us.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto affixed our hands and seals the 11th day of May 1868
JH Farrar
Elizabeth Farrar
[50 cents in stamps for tax]
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North Carolina
Chatham County
JH Farrar + his wife Elizabeth appear in Open Court + personally acknowledge the due execution by them of a deed for land in this county to George W. Avent dated May 11th 1868. And there upon William Griffin a member of the Court is appointed to take the private examination of the Elizabeth Farrar and the said William Griffin after privately examining the said Elizabeth separate and apart from her said husband touching her free consent in the execution of the said deed, reports to Court that she acknowledged before him when so examined, that she had executed the said deed freely of her own will and acknowledged without any force, fear or undue influence of her said husband or any other person and did still voluntarily apart thereto, all of which on motion is ordered to be recorded. It is also ordered that deed and the record of the above proceeding be registered.
William P Griffin
State of North Carolina
Chatham County
Registers Office
December 31st 1868
The forgoing deed was duly registered in Book AN pages 159-160
W.H. Hatch, Register of Deeds