1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy Yarborough

Page 1 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy YarboroughFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 1 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy YarboroughFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 3 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy YarboroughFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 3 of 1855 Deed: Miranda Yarborough to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

Page 1:
This indenture made on the twenty ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty five between Miranda Yarbrough of the County of Moore and State of North Carolina of the one part and Archd. M. Yarbrough of the County of Chatham and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Miranda Yarbrough for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollars to her in hand paid by the said Archd. M. Yarbrough at the time of executing these presents the receipt whereof is hereby fully acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell ailin and confirm unto the said Archd. M. Yarbrough and his heirs a certain tract or parcel of land situate and lying in the County of Chatham and state aforesaid on the waters of Bush Creek adjoining the lands of Rossers and the said Archd. M. Yarbrough and bounded as follows (Viz) beginning in the channel of said Bush Creek one pine white oak and hickory pointers thence with the said Yarbroughs line north nine chains and fifty links to a stake two post oak pointers thence with said line east three chains to a small pile of rock thence north with said line thirteen chains and sixty links to a stake and pointers in Rossers line thence as his line east three chains to a white oak his corner thence with his line north six chains to a stake and pointers in said Rossers line thence East with said line four chains and sixty links

Page 2:
to a stake and pointers thence south thirty two chains to the channel of said creek Between pointers thence up the various coarses [sic] of said creek to the beginning Containing Twenty four acres to have and to hold unto him the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns the said lands and premises and all [fold…] the tenements herditaments woods ways waters mines minerals improvements rents […] proffits remainders revisions privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof in fee simple for ever and the said Miranda Yarbrough and her heirs all and singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever–
In testimony whereof I the said Miranda Yarbrough do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first above written
Miranda [her mark] Yarbrough
WJ Thomas
Jos C Avent

Feb term 1857
The execution of this deed was then duly proven in open court by the oath of Jos. C. Avent a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be registered test. WJ Taylor CCC

Page 3:
Chatham County Registers Office the 12th day of March 1857
This deed was then registered in said office Book AK Pages 157 + 8
Test. A Gunter Regr

1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough

Page 1 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 1 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 3 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 3 of 1854 Deed: William J Thomas to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

Page 1:
This Indenture made on the thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four between William J. Thomas and wife Emaline Thomas of the County of Moore and state of North Carolina on the one part and Archd. M. Yarbrough of the county of Chatham and state aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth that the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline Thomas formerly Emaline Yarbrough for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollar to them in hand paid by the said Archd. M. Yarbrough at the time of executing these presents the receipt and payment is hereby fully acknowledged and the said William J. [Thomas an wife Emaline …fold…] therewith satisfied Hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell ailien and confirm unto the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situate in the county of Chatham and state above mentioned lying on the waters of Bush Creek adjoining the land of Rosser and and [sic] the said Archd. M. Yarbrough and bounded as follows– (Viz) Beginning at the channel of said creek at the lower corner of Lot no. 3 thence running north thirty two chains to a stake and pointers in Rossers line thence with his east eight chains to a stake and pointers in said line thence south thirty chains to the channel of said creek thence with the muranders of said creek to the beginning Containing twenty four acres to have and to hold the said land and premises

Page 2: [marked out and page torn]
And all and singular the tennements hereditaments woods ways waters mines minerals improvements rents […] proffits remainders revisions privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns to his and their […] proper use and behoof in fee simple for ever and the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline and their heirs all and singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said Archd. M. Yarbrough his heirs and assigns shall will warrant and forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever–
In testimony whereof the said William J. Thomas and wife Emaline doth hereunto set their hands and seals the date first above written
Signed, sealed and delievered
In presence of
Wllliam J. Thomas [seal]
Emaline Thomas [seal]

Page 3:
State of North Carolina
Chatham County
Court of please [sic] and quarter sessions Nov term 1854
I, WG Harris, one of the members of said county being appointed by the court for that purpose this day proceeded to take the private examination of Emaline Thomas wife of William J. Thomas, Touching her voluntary assent to the forgoing Deed of conveyance separate and apart from her said husband whereupon she the said Emaline Thomas declares that she voluntarily assents to the said conveyance and that she executed the same freely and of her own accord without fear or compulsion of the said William J. Thomas her husband–
Certified by me this 14th Day of November 1854
WG Harris — J.P. member of the county court

Nov term 1854
The execution of this deed was duly acknowledged in open court and ordered to be registered together with the certificates therein
Chatham County WJ Taylor CCC
Registers Office Dec 19 1854
This deed was then registered Book AJ Page 321
A Gunter, Regr

The Big Payoff, Prize Letters, 1954

Prize Letter from The Big PayoffFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Prize Letter from The Big Payoff
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
McCarty Prize Letter from The Big PayoffFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
McCarty Prize Letter from The Big Payoff
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
McCarty Prize Letter from The Big PayoffFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
McCarty Prize Letter from The Big Payoff
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Prize Letter from The Big PayoffFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Prize Letter from The Big Payoff
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
American Luggage Prize Letter from The Big PayoffFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
American Luggage Prize Letter from The Big Payoff
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

Mary Emma Yarborough’s class, 1907, with note from Jewel Adcock

Mary Emma YarboroughWith note from Jewel AdcockFrom the papers of Jewel Adcock
Mary Emma Yarborough
With note from Jewel Adcock
From the papers of Jewel Adcock

Transcription of note:
The pretty well dressed miss in middle of picture poses with schoolmates in forest almost 85 years ago. She was your mother, or grandmother, Miss Mary Emma Yarborough. It was said that her mother, Mary Frances Yarborough, would not let her out of the house unless she was dressed in the finest fashions of the day.
Age 17

1954 Telegrams to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York

1954 Telegram from The Big Payoff to Jack and Merry Pittman
1954 Telegram from The Big Payoff to Jack and Merry Pittman
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
1954 Telegram from Saco Lowell Shops to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram from to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New YorkFrom the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram from June and Kenny Hansen to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 1 of 1954 Telegram to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
Page 1 of 1954 Telegram from Saco Lowell Shops to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1954 Telegram to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
Page 2 of 1954 Telegram from Saco Lowell Shops
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
1954 Telegram from Katherine, June, Edna and Bess to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
1954 Telegram from Scott and Jackie to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
1954 Telegram from to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
1954 Telegram from Mother, Harry and Berta to Jack and Merry Pittman at The Big Payoff, New York
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

The Big Payoff, digitized recording, 1954

The raw converted sound recording of Jack and Merry Pittman on The Big Payoff in 1954 (provided by their son, James M. Pittman):

Newspaper Clipping about contestant Merry Pittman
Newspaper Clipping about Merry Pittman on the Sunshine tele-quiz radio show
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

1854 Deed: Thomas J Hunt to James Fuquay

Page 1 of 1854 Deed: Thomas Hunt to James Fuquay
Page 1 of 1854 Deed: Thomas Hunt to James Fuquay
From the papers of Merry T> Pittman
Page 2 of 1854 Deed: Thomas Hunt to James Fuquay
Page 2 of 1854 Deed: Thomas Hunt to James Fuquay
From the papers of Merry T> Pittman

Page 1:
This indenture made this twenty seventh day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty four between Thomas J Hunt of the County of Cumberland and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Fuquay of the County of Chatham and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas J Hunt for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid by James Fuquay aforesaid the receipt and payment is hereby fully acknowledged and the said Thomas J Hunt therewith satisfyed and hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell ailene and confirm unto the said James Fuquay and his heirs a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Chatham and state aforesaid on the waters of Bush Creeke and bounded as follows (Viz) Beginning at a white oak AM Yarboroughs corner and running east one hundred and fourteen poles to a stake thence south one hundred and twenty poles to a stake in Nehemiah Dickens line thence west with his line one hundred and fourteen poles to a sweet gum formerly Nathan Yarboroughs line thence North with said line one hundred and twenty four poles to the first station Containing Eighty seven and half acres be the same more or less with all the appurtenances there unto belonging as in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises to him the said James Fuquay His heirs and assigns for ever free and clear of any and all incumbrances whatever and the [said]

Page 2:
Thomas J Hunt his heirs executors and administrators do warrant and forever defend the right and title of the aforesaid land and premises against the lawful claim or claims of himself his heirs etc or any other person or persons whatsoever–
In testimony whereof I the said Thomas J Hunt do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first above written
Thomas J Hunt [seal]
Signed and delivered in presence of us
AM Yarborough
J. Judd

Feb term 1859
The execution of this deed was then duly proven in open court by the oath of AM Yarborough, a subscribing witness thereto, and ordered to be registered–
WP Taylor, C.C.C.

Chatham County Registers Office 12th March 1857
This deed was Registered Book AK Pages 149-150
A Gunter, Regr

1853 Deed: Archibald Murphy Yarborough to Thomas Hunt

Page 1 of 1853 Deed: Archibald Murphy Yarborough to Thomas Hunt
Page 1 of 1853 Deed: Archibald Murphy Yarborough to Thomas Hunt
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1853 Deed: Archibald Murphy Yarborough to Thomas Hunt
Page 2 of 1853 Deed: Archibald Murphy Yarborough to Thomas Hunt
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

Page 1:
This indenture made this 31st day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty three between AM Yarborough of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina of the one part and Thomas Hunt of the County of Cumberland and the State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said AM Yarborough for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Hunt the receipt whereof is hereby fully acknowledged and himself therewith satisfyed hath given granted bargained sold ailened and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell ailene and confirm to him the said Thomas Hunt His heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Chatham and the State aforesaid situate on the waters of Bush Creeke and bounded as follows Beginning at a white oak in Yarboroughs line and running East one hundred and fourteen poles to a stake thence south one hundred and twenty four poles to a stake thence west one hundred and fourteen poles to a sweetgum in Yarboroughs line thence north with said line one hundred and twenty four poles to the first station Containing Eighty seven and half acres to be the same more or less with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises to him the said Thomas Hunt his heirs and assigns forever free and clear of any and all encumbrance whatever and the said AM Yarborough

Page 2:
doth for himself his heirs executors and administrators do warrant and will forever defend the right and title of the aforesaid land and premises to him the said Thomas Hunt his heirs and assigns forever against the claim of any and all persons what soever–
In testimony whereof the
said AM Yarborough do hereunto
set my hand and seal
the day and date first above
AM Yarborough [seal]
Signed and delivered in
presence of
John Womack
K. Judd

Feb term 1857
The execution of this deed was duly acknowledged in open court and ordered to be registered
WP Taylor, C.C.C.

Chatham County Registers Office March 13th 1857
This deed was then registered Book AK Page 162
A Gunter Regr

1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough

Page 1 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
Page 1 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 2 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
Page 2 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman
Page 3 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
Page 3 of 1852 Deed: C Boling to Archibald Murphy Yarborough
From the papers of Merry T. Pittman

Page 1:
This Indenture made on the sixth day of November AD one thousand eight hundred and fifty two between Christopher Boling and wife Elizabeth Boling of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina on the one part and AM Yarborough of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina on the other part Witnesseth that the said Christopher Boling and wife Elizabeth Boling formerly Elizabeth Yarborough for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty Dollars to them in hand paid by the said AM Yarborough at the time of executing these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold conveyed ailiened and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell convey ailine and confirm unto the said AM Yarborough his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina situate on the waters of Bus Creeke adjoining the lands of Rosser and the said AM Yarborough and others well known as a part of the land formerly belonging to Jeremiah Yarborough Decd and alotted to the said Elizabeth Boling formerly Elizabeth Yarborough as her proportionable part in equal division bounded as follows
Beginning at a cedar branch the said AM Yarboroughs corner and Rossers line thence as his east seventeen chains seventy links to a stake

Page 2:
and pointers in the said Rossers line thence South thirteen chains and sixty links to a pile of rock in an […] […] thence west with the said AM Yarboroughs line formerly belonging to John Womack seventeen chains and seventy links to a stake in said line and corner of the said AM Yarborough thence on that line North thirteen chains and sixty links to the beginning containing twenty four acres more or less to have and to hold the said lands and premises and all and singular the tenements hereditamnets woods ways waters mines minerals improvements rents […] profits remainders revisions privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging as in any wise appertaining to him the said AM Yarborough his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof in […] simple for [s…] and the said Christopher Boling and wife Elizabeth Boling and their heirs all and singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said AM Yarborough his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever–
In testimony whereof we the said Christopher Boling and wife Elizabeth Boling do hereunto set our hand and seals the day and date first above written
Christopher [his mark] Boling
Elizabeth [her mark] Boling

Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of
P Rosser
John [his mark] Griffin

Page 3:
State of North Carolina
Chatham County

Court of pleas and quarter sessions Full term 1852
I G Harris one of the members of said court being appointed by the court for that purpose this day proceed to take the private examination of Elizabeth Boling wife of Christopher Boling touching her voluntary assent to the forgoing deed of conveyance separate and apart from her said husband whereupon she the said Elizabeth Boling declares that she voluntarily assents to the said conveyance and that she executed the same freely and of her own accord without fear or compulsion of the said Christopher Boling her husband–
Certified by me this 9 day of Nov AD 1852