About Joy:
I’m a librarian and genealogy enthusiast who was born in Raleigh, NC in the early ’80s. My 6th-great-grandfather was also born in this same area in the 1790s. I have a Bachelor of Arts in History from Appalachian State University (2012) and a Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina (2015). As much as I love history, books, and genealogy, I also love arts, crafts, and home decorating. I always have a project going on.
About this site:
I want to be able to share the historical items I’ve collected over the past decade since I got into genealogy and local history. I have an entire closet that I turned into a family archive, with shelves and shelves and boxes and boxes of (organized!) materials. I will never get to digitizing the entirity of the collection, as it is too vast to be covered as a part-time hobby for a full-time librarian, but I will get the important, oldest and most fragile ones digitized first, and continue based on requests and whimsies.
Because I do not have infinite space on my server, the images on this site are of lower resolution than the original scans on my personal computer. If you would like a full resolution scan of any particular item, post a comment or send me an email and I would be happy to oblige.
Unless otherwise noted, the original documents and photographs that appear on this site are in my personal collection. All material that appears on this site was originally scanned and processed by myself. If you have something that relates to this family collection that you would like for me to post, reach out to me via email at joy@joysephine.com. I am usually quick to reply, and I always credit my sources.
About content use:
I give permission for researchers to make copies of materials found on my site and to share them in other outlets (including common places like blogs, personal websites, and ancestry.com). I only ask for a source mention when materials from my site are used, just as I promise to credit others and cite my sources of information.
sorry, i realized that you think the picture of the girl is one of mary emma thomas’s sisters. but i wondered if you had anything else on archibald or jeremiah yarborough?
Ah, I realize this comment was intended to be on the post from December 31st. I replied there.
All documents I’ve put online so far having to do with Archibald Murphy Yarborough can be found through clicking on his tag, or using this link.
There are many more documents I haven’t gotten to yet. Very soon I will be scanning some of the Yarborough reunion minutes, but you can also look and see what else might be of interest in the finding aid. Feel free to comment on that page with any particular items you’d like to see sooner.
I have to get a larger flatbed scanner to get to a lot of the older Yarborough documents. I do not want to scan those in pieces because the pages are very fragile. Those large scanners are expensive, so it may take some time!
Thanks for stopping in and looking at what I’ve done so far. I’ll keep with it, and hopefully I’ll get to the rest of the Archibald Murphy Yarborough items very, very soon. 🙂
Hi Jan, here are the reunion minutes that you were interested in seeing. Hope you find something helpful in there. 🙂